Testing & Verification Services
These solutions were initiated by Mr. Atul Dattatraya Shirodkar and the only purpose to give one window solution to our manufactures which will ease the compliance operations. Our testing laboratory, located in Mulund (East) - Mumbai, is equipped for end to end solutions as per
- IEC (International Electro technical Commission) Code
- Low Voltage Directives 2014/35/EU and 2006/95/EC;
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU and 2004/108/EC.
- Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
- 2006/95/EC and 93/68/EEC (LVD)
Our laboratory has facility to carry out the following testing:
- Testing of electrical control panels based on EN 60204 – 1: 2006.
- Testing of electrical control system like timers, panel instruments, meters as per EN 61010.
- Testing of electrical control system for timers, panels, instruments, etc. under the scope of EN 61010 - 1: 2000.
- Testing Services for NABL accreditation.
- Verification of electrical control panels as per IEC EN 60204 -1: 2006.
- Product Claim Verification.
Industries We Cover
We provide specialised Testing, Inspection & Verification services to following Manufacturing Industries